Critical Illness

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Critical Illness Plans

Let our team help you get the coverage you need.

In the United States, every few seconds, someone suffers a heart attack or is diagnosed with cancer. These critical illnesses can lead to a significant financial burden, with expenses quickly adding up beyond what is covered by major medical insurance. This can have a devastating impact on an individual’s or family’s finances. Even with a comprehensive health insurance policy, the cost of treatments for life-threatening illnesses can be overwhelming. This is where critical illness insurance comes in.

Not sure what you need?

CI Plan Explaination

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What is a Critical Illness Plan?

Critical illness insurance is designed to protect individuals and families from the financial impact that can occur as a result of a critical illness. The illnesses covered under the policy contract vary, but they typically include conditions like heart attack, stroke, and cancer. Unlike traditional health insurance, critical illness insurance pays out a lump sum upon diagnosis of a covered illness, providing a financial safety net during a challenging time.

Critical Illness Key Features To Remember

  • Direct Cash Payment: The payout from a critical illness plan goes directly to the policyholder, providing immediate financial support.

  • Flexible Usage: The payout can be used to cover both medical and non-medical expenses. This can include costs related to modifying your home for accessibility, paying your mortgage or other bills, hiring home health care, or even taking a much-needed vacation to recuperate.

  • Additional Coverage: Critical illness insurance pays out in addition to any other insurance you may have, providing an extra layer of financial protection.

  • Family Coverage: Critical illness insurance is available for individuals, spouses, and dependent children, ensuring that your entire family can be protected.

  • Benefit Amount Options: Depending on your needs and budget, you can choose a benefit amount of up to $50,000.

  • Stable Rates: With critical illness insurance, your rates don’t increase due to age. The policyholder is locked into the rate for their age at the effective date of the policy.

In conclusion, critical illness insurance can provide a vital financial lifeline in the event of a serious health condition. It’s an important consideration for anyone looking to protect themselves and their family from the potential financial strain of a critical illness.

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